All dogs love food. Some, maybe too much.
It’s hard to resist the big sad eyes of a puppy begging you for some leftovers under the table.
But, you have to resist. There are some human foods like chocolate and garlic that dogs should never eat… Ever!
The following list contains foods that should never be on your dog’s table at all costs!
1. Garlic

My mom loves garlic bread, but she never lets me have a piece. Am I allowed to eat garlic?
Sorry, dogs. Garlic is a no-no for dogs. And not just garlic, onions are off-limits too. You should never eat them in any form, not even powder!
Garlic will kill all your red blood cells. And, you need those, my friend; otherwise, you’ll become anemic. Treating anemia is not easy, so don’t expect an easy recovery.
Worse still, eating too much garlic or onions can cause poisoning. The most common signs of garlic poisoning are nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
You should read what the Pet Poison Helpline has to say about dogs and garlic.
My mom loves garlic bread, but she never lets me have a piece. Am I allowed to eat garlic?
Sorry, dogs. Garlic is absolutely not allowed for dogs. And not just garlic, onions are off-limits too. You shouldn’t eat them in any form, not even powder!
Garlic will kill all your red blood cells. And, you need those, my friend; otherwise, you’ll get anemia. Treating anemia is not easy, so don’t expect an easy recovery.
Worse still, eating too much garlic or onions can cause poisoning. The most common signs of garlic poisoning are nausea, vomiting, and weakness.
You should read what the Pet Poison Helpline has to say about dogs and garlic.
2. Xylitol

My mom dropped a piece of gum one time, and I swallowed it. I also chewed her whole pack of gum. Should I have done that?
Oh, poor guy. Just because nothing happened the first time doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. You’re in luck because gum is banned for dogs, as are toothpaste, candy, and any products containing xylitol.
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that gives candy and gum a refreshing minty flavor.
Besides the most common symptoms of vomiting and nausea, your dog can suffer serious consequences. Eating xylitol can cause liver failure and even seizures!
I wouldn’t joke about xylitol if I were your owner.
3. Avocado

Okay, but you have to feed me avocados! Dogs can definitely eat avocados. Why would Mom’s sister name her dog after an avocado if they couldn’t? I see her spreading that delicious avocado on her toast every morning. Makes my mouth water just thinking about it…
I’m really impressed with your love of avocados, but little dog, you can’t have them either! Sorry to break your heart.
The entire avocado, including the skin, seed, and flesh, contains a substance called persin. This is a fungal toxin that can even harm humans if they are allergic to avocados.
The AKC says dogs can and can’t eat avocados. This depends on the specific breed and where the avocado comes from. Not all of them are treated with the same pesticides or grown in the same area. You never know how the producer treats their fruit.
Given this uncertainty, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog avocados.
I’m really sorry that this fruit is on your no-no list, too. But look at the bright side: there’s always a new toast trend. Just follow the trendsetters on Instagram to find out!
4. Caffeine

Come on, at least I can drink coffee, right? Not that I’m going to grow a tail; I already have one. Imagine my mom and I going shopping and taking a coffee break. Great, right?
Great, but when you’re a human. Since you’re just a little dog, you can indulge in a puppuccino every now and then.
Caffeine isn’t even good for us, let alone our furry friends. The fact that it raises your heart rate alone is good enough for me to never give it to any dog.
So, little one, even if you find coffee beans on the ground…don’t eat them. They’re gross, and your stomach will hurt. I don’t want to scare you with what might happen. Pet Poison Helpline knows all the gruesome details.
I’m curious… What kind of nut is this? Is it like my favorite peanut? Oh man, I really like peanuts!
Oh, don’t even think about it. The only nuts you’ll eat are peanuts in butter form. But you can’t even eat too much peanut butter! Be careful what you eat so you don’t get a stomach ache.
Anyway, back to the macadamia nuts. Experts say that just 1/10 of an ounce per 2 pounds of body weight can make a dog sick. I wouldn’t risk eating one of these.
Little one, if You eat these nuts, your muscles will weaken, you will vomit until you start throwing up that yellow stuff, and you will feel very uncomfortable.
Just eat peanut butter. Don’t be so curious.
- Macadamia Nuts
I’m curious… What is this nut? Is it like my favorite peanuts? Oh, boy, I really love me some peanuts!
Oh, don’t even think about it. The only nuts you’ll be having are peanuts in the form of butter. But, you can’t even have too much peanut butter either! Watch what you eat so you don’t end up with a huge tummy.
Anyway, let’s go back to the macadamia nut. Experts say it only takes 1/10 of an ounce per 2 pounds of weight to make a dog ill. I wouldn’t risk having even one of them.
Little buddy, if you eat these nuts, your muscles will become weak, you will vomit until you start vomiting the yellow stuff, and you’ll feel super sick.
Stick to the peanut butter, pretty please. Don’t be that curious.
5.Macadamia Nuts

I’m curious… What is this nut? Is it like my favorite peanuts? Oh, boy, I really love me some peanuts!
Oh, don’t even think about it. The only nuts you’ll be having are peanuts in the form of butter. But, you can’t even have too much peanut butter either! Watch what you eat so you don’t end up with a huge tummy.
Anyway, let’s go back to the macadamia nut. Experts say it only takes 1/10 of an ounce per 2 pounds of weight to make a dog ill. I wouldn’t risk having even one of them.
Little buddy, if you eat these nuts, your muscles will become weak, you will vomit until you start vomiting the yellow stuff, and you’ll feel super sick.
Stick to the peanut butter, pretty please. Don’t be that curious.
6. Chocolate

Okay, I heard from my mom that I can’t eat chocolate. Why? Will it go straight to my hips?
Unfortunately, that’s not why chocolate is dangerous for you. If your mom is addicted to chocolate, then she should be chewing on chocolate bars while you sleep or hiding them from you.
Dogs should never eat chocolate. No white chocolate, no dark chocolate, no milk chocolate… no chocolate at all!
I don’t care if your mom is addicted to chocolate. If you eat a piece of chocolate, especially the raw, unsweetened kind, you risk diarrhea, vomiting, seizures, tremors, and even death.
So the problem is not a moment on the lips, forever on the hips. When dogs eat chocolate, it is worse than obesity.
7. Salt

Wait… Are you telling me that salt is bad for me? But why did Mom sprinkle some on my dinner?
You are so bad! You shouldn’t have done that. Don’t you know that salt can cause a lot of problems not only for your dog but also for you?
If your puppy eats too much salt, it is at high risk of sodium ion poisoning. The obvious symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, tremors and seizures. However, continuous use of too much salt can lead to death.
Another big problem you should know about is water intoxication. When a dog eats salty food, it will drink too much water afterwards. And, too much water will lead to poisoning.
8. Alcohol Drinks

Umm, I’m not sure about this one… I feel a lot of pressure from my friends down the street. Apparently they drink beer with their owners all the time. Are my friends lying to me or is alcohol okay?
This is another obvious ingredient on the list of foods that are toxic to dogs. It’s not technically a food, but it is something that humans consume. And, yes… it’s completely off-limits to dogs.
If you don’t know all the terrible effects alcohol has on the brain and liver, then you shouldn’t be an adult. Sorry, but it’s true.
Sure, a lot of people handle alcohol just fine, until they drink too much. But, that’s not the case with dogs. Even a tiny bit of alcohol can have terrible consequences for your dog, including coma and death!
So don’t joke around with giving your dog a sip of beer… Ever.
9. Grapes or Raisins

Oh my gosh… grapes! I love the sweet crunch when my mom chews on grapes. But why won’t she share some with me? Also, my mom was pretty pissed when I ate some chocolate with raisins that she got from someone at work. Please, I saved my mom the trouble… Who buys chocolate with raisins?
Yes, your mom played it right! Surprisingly, grapes and raisins are the last on this list. I bet you didn’t know that they cause kidney damage and failure! Seriously, they are not a tasty or refreshing treat for your dog.
Even a few grapes or raisins can cause your dog to vomit for hours. This can last for days and lead to severe kidney damage, which can then lead to kidney failure.
Is that it?
Oh, please tell me that this is all I’m not allowed to eat. Anything else I’m ALLOWED to feed?
Sorry, but this is just a list of the top 9 human foods that are toxic to dogs. There are other foods, fruits, vegetables, grains, and spices that are not good for you. But they are not nearly as deadly as chocolate and garlic.
I hope you stay away from these foods and stick to vet approved kibble.
You’re a growing dog. It’s normal to be curious, but don’t let your stomach explore until your mom says it’s okay. Mom really knows best in this case.
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